A text will be sent tomorrow at 7am when a decision is made to open/close the school on Wednesday, February 28th. The decision will also be posted online at www.scoiluidhalaigh.ie.
Author: Scoil Chearbhaill Uí Dhalaigh
As the weather deteriorates we ask all parents to pay heed to emails and to the school website for regular updates. Every effort will be made to keep the school...
The school will close at 12 noon on Tuesday, February 13th and on Friday March 2nd to facilitate staff training on Child Protection.
We had a great day on Wednesday presenting our ideas to the Dragons! Tayto Rings- Faboom- Fíoch-mhar- Caife SCUD- Weapons- Scented Water 'Anti Monster!'
We will celebrate a Technology Week from Tuesday February 27th to Friday March 2nd. We invite parents with expertise in this field and who would be happy to visit classes...
School financial accounts can be viewed here for the year 2015/16. Cuntaisí 15-16
Féilire Scoile 2017-2018
Prize- Congratulations Mikey on winning the ' Someone Like Me' art competition. Mikey collected a prize for both the school and himself recently at a ceremony in Dublin City Hall-...
Múinteoir Eibhlís selected a strong team from a strong squad to compete in the Leixlip Cross Country Blitz last Tuesday- held here in Scoil Chearbhaill Uí Dhálaigh. There were four...
The children are really enjoying our time with Óga Yoga. We will have two weeks to finish in January.